Challenges with focus and attention can become huge roadblocks to learning for kids. Simply put, attention is essential for learning. If students can't focus on the lesson, they are going to struggle with understanding what to do. When students have attention difficulties, it can be challenging for the educator and beyond frustrating for the student.
Short Story to Read to Your Child or Student

Samantha had a big problem with not paying attention. She NEVER payed attention in school and at home. Everyone at school called her "Spacey Sam" because she always seemed spaced-out.
In class, Samantha was always looking at everything BUT the teacher. She was also last to start every assignment because she never knew what she was supposed to be doing.
Question to Ask: What should Samantha pay attention to when she is in class?
Explain: She should pay attention to the teacher and follow along with the lesson.
Question to Ask: Why didn't Samantha know what she was supposed to be doing in class?
Explain: She wasn't paying attention.

Samantha didn't pay attention in the school cafeteria when she was walking to her seat while holding her lunch. She was looking over at Kyle instead and bumped right into Billy. Both of them dropped their food all over the floor. Billy snapped, "Samantha! If you were paying attention, this wouldn't of happened!"
Question to Ask: Where should Samantha look when she is walking?
Explain: She should look where she is walking so she doesn't bump into anyone.

At recess, Samantha got hurt because she wasn't paying attention when Kyle passed the basketball to her during the game.
Question to Ask: Why did Samantha get hurt?
Explain: She got hurt because she was playing a team sport and not paying attention to what was going on.
Question to Ask: When you are playing a sport such as basketball...what should you ALWAYS do?
Explain: You should always pay attention so you can be an active member of the team and stay safe.

At home, Samantha wasn't paying attention to her surroundings while walking to her room and bumped right into her little brother Jimmy. Jimmy was walking carefully with his science project since it still needed to dry. The science project instantly slammed to the floor and broke into a million pieces.
Question to Ask: Why do you think Samantha didn't see her little brother?
Explain: Samantha didn't see her little brother because she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings.
The next day when Samantha's dad was attempting to braid her hair, he decided to have a chat with her. "Samantha, if you don't start paying attention more, life is going to continue to be hard for you," her dad stated while successfully finishing her hairstyle.

Question to Ask: Why do you think Samantha's dad said that to her? Do you think he is right? Why or Why not?
Explain: Everything becomes harder if you don't pay attention because you will make many mistakes throughout your day that could of been avoided.
Paying Attention is an academic skill, but also a very important life skill!

Strategies for Learners with Attention Issues
Give Clear One Step Directions at a Time
Teach Students to Check in with themselves
Set a Timer for Classroom Work assignments
Use Visuals as Reminders and Supports
Incorporate Movement during lessons

* Strategies for Parents to Support Attention Skills at Home*
Parents and caregivers can help support children at home by implementing strategies as well.
Allow wind down time at home.
Reduce Distractions (television, cell phone, computer, music).
Give breaks after completing each task.
Incorporate rewards for completing assignments.
And Remember to Always discuss your child's strengths and try to highlight them. Celebrate "attention" wins big or very small. When kids know what they are good at or see that they can improve in something, it helps to build up their confidence and stay motivated to keep at it.